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Menampilkan postingan dari Mei, 2013

Kisah Insipirasi Muslimah Yang Tak Mau Berhijab

Hello bloggers! Assalamualaikum. Ketemu lagi sama mimin ya muehehe, semoga ga bosen ya liat post-post an mimin semuanya, wk :p. Kali ini, min mau ngepost tentang kisah seorang wanita muslimah yang tidak bisa menggapai surganya hanya karena dia menunda-nunda berhijab. Alasannya ya seperti biasa, menunggu siap, menata hati, memperbaiki kelakuan dulu. Ya, itulah beberapa alasannya. Wah, alasan-alasan tersebut seakan-akan kita ini yang memegang kendali atas takdir lho. Nah, kalau sampai malaikat izrail diperintahkan untuk memanggil duluan gimana dong? Kan sayang banget! Belum sempat berhijab, dan memperbaiki diri eh udah dipanggil. Naudzubillah. Mangkanya, yuk disimak cerita muslimah ini. Semoga bermanfaat ya. Check this out ^^v Al-Kisah diceritakan, ada seorang wanita yang dikenal taat dalam beribadah. Dia sangat rajin melakukan ibadah wajib maupun sunnah. Hanya ada satu kekurangannya, ia tak mau berhijab menutupi auratnya. Setiap kali ditanya ia hanya tersenyum, seraya menjawab : ...


Hello! Assalamualaikum Akhi/Ukhti ^^. Ketemu lagi sama mimin nih! Wee, lama tak jumpa. Mimin lagi ribet sama persiapan UKK tanggal 3 Juni 2013 nih, doain ya muehehe :3. Well, kali ini mimin bakalan ngebahas tentang sesuatu yang berbau politik sedikit. Yah, ini terinspirasi dengan tayangan TV akhir-akhir ini yang gencar banget ngebahas hak interpelasi. Sebenernya, mimin juga ga seberapa mudeng sih sama istilah ini. Tapi, mimin jadi penasaran banget, gara-gara hak itu yang dijadikan alat untuk *menyerang* Pak Jokowi. Mimin fans berat beliau loh, wkss *apadeh*. Nah, daripada kelamaan, yuk buruan yuk cek apasih itu hak interpelasi dan hubungannya sama pencitraan dan pastinya Pak Jokowi :D Hak Interpelasi Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Hak Interpelasi adalah hak DPR untuk meminta keterangan kepada pemerintah mengenai kebijakan pemerintah yang penting dan strategis serta berdampak luas pada kehidupan bermasyarakat dan bernegara. (Penjelasan Pasal 27 huruf a UU no 22 tahun 2003) Mekanis...


HELLO! I'M GONNA SHARE MY PHOTOS WITH 5 OTHERS (the results of BLUE SKY WITH THEM). AT AWESOME PLACES. CHECK THIS OUT!   It was incridible experience. will be remembered forever :3 :') {}


Hello! Assalamualaikum. I'm gonna share some pics of me, I just captured it a few minutes ago. WDYT? :D brown eye whatsup? watching on news

Sahabat ~ Magnet, how can it be?

Hello, Assalamualaikum akhi/ukhti. Ketemu lagi dengan saya, OWNER! muehehe :3. Oke, kali ini aku pake bahasa Indonesia aja ya. Terkadang, juga miris liat blog isinya bahasa inggris 80%, padahal mampang bendera Indonesia \'-'/. Well, kali ini aku bakalan posting tentang PERSAHABATAN nih! Salah satu topik yang umum banget kan dikalangan remaja kayak kita-kita wkss. Bagaimana kita saling memahami, melengkapi satu sama lain, mengenal, mencintai, sampai merasuk kedalam rasa *lebay*, sampai dengan kata MEMPENGARUHI. Aku bakalan membahas salah satu opsi dari banyak opsi yang aku sebutin diatas. Meanwhile, aku juga bakalan browsing di mbah kita. Check this out! SIAPA SIH SAHABAT ITU? Aku yakin semua orang punya *someone* spesial didalam hidupnya. Entah itu orang tua, saudara, pacar, teman, dan SAHABAT. Opsi SAHABAT menjadi yang paling menarik dibahas. Sahabat adalah seseorang yang paling dekat, bila dibandingkan dengan teman-teman biasa. Mereka biasanya akan lebih mengerti, memah...

Chirp Crow, Sign of Death? (Burung Gagak, Tanda Kematian?)

  Assalamualaikum. Ahlan akhi/ukthi ^^~ We meet again! As usual, I'm gonna share a knowledge. It is taken from the culture / beliefs of ancient Javanese society in antiquity . In fact , until now it is still believed myth . Well, check it out! In this modern era, believe or not there are still a lots of people that still believe in myth. I dunno what makes them still keep it but, that's fact! I've an example. According to my friend opinion (actually He believes in Javanese myth), if we hear chirp raven echoing, that's mean someone will die. He said that, that's such as sign of death. But, I'm not believe in. I just said "Wallahu'alam Bissawab. If ALLAH wills, it will. But I'm not totally believe in that myth. I just believe in ALLAH." One of my friends was afraid of that story. She said "Please don't talk about that anymore. I'll feel so scared if I'm gonna take a bath". I smiled and ignored all about...


Hello, I'm back again. After maybe 5 days off, I'm so busy of some crazy exams wkss :p *overacting* okay now, I just want to share my own article to you. Actually this is common but, I don't have any topics again so yeaah, I'm trying to make it interseting now! CHECK IT OUT! Well, today. Unintentianally, Me and 3 others were talk about something funny first at canteen in my school. Yep, as teenagers we talked about news, love, friendship, even our teachers wkkss *ups* (BEST SECRETS EVER HAHAHA #JOKING). And guess what? The most interesting thing between that topic is? GOSSIPS! Nah haha, girls can't be separated of it. Thats fact! We talked about some news on internet, tv and etc. But getting here, the topics were spread anywhere, until we touched on "womans" topic. First, we talked about one of my friends. I can't mention the name here because thats privacy. Jut make she is from other school or class. Actually my friend is good friend, hospitable...

Awesome trip to Bali, Island of The Gods

May 12th 2013. Hello, I am back. So, now i just want to do my promised moreless 4 days ago okay. It was so awesome. Im gonna tell you as soon as I can LOL! I had been through long trip. Its been 12 hours by car. But, i really enjoyed that trip. Yes, my place is Java Island and I have to accross the sea by a ship to go to Bali Island. Yeh, I would never regret all things that I had been through. Because the feedback is so much better and more wonderful than I ever thought before.  Bedugul, Bali Indonesia. First day in Bali. May 9th 2013 I visited Bedugul, as I said before. There was a lake. When my family and I arrived there, still so silent. I could understand bcz still at 7 am when I arrived. But, I am so thankful because I could enjoyed all things over there, I could take a lot of photos without feel embrassed bcz ppl saw me or yeaa the point is my family and I so much enjoyed. After Bedugul, I continued my trip went to Padang-padang Beach. According to google info and...

Bali, Island of The Gods.

Tonight, May 8th 2013. Im gonna go to BALI! You know Bali Island? Bali is one of famous island in Indonesia and even in the world! How can it be? Yes! Because Bali has so many awesome beaches. God bestows bali with an abundance of natural beauty in it . Beautiful beach with white sand , blue sea with coral beauty . And also , the culture that is always attached to the people of Bali . No one not , if Bali became one the most sought after tourist destinations in the world :)? ABSOLUTELLY! I suggest you, if you come to Bali. First! You must go to BEDUGUL. There's a lake, i forgot the name but it was so so so beautiful, awesome, Subhanallah <3 :3 The weather so cold, and fresh! You can't even found it in other side of Bali, because Bali well known with hot weather, beaches, and sunlight :D, but its different! In Bedugul, we will enjoy the cold weather. So peaceful and calm :) Second! You must go to DREAMLAND. Dreamland is a beach, yes! fam...

Blue Sky With Them :)

Today, May 5th 2013 was so great! I was hunting photo with 5 others. Actually it just for Design Graphic's task. But, we did it more :p *ups* Yes! We got up earlier today, just for welcome sunrise, and we planned that we would take photo with it, but plan changed. So, we took a few photos at 8 am (2 hours delayed). First, it such as boring thing, waiting for our friends who had promised that would come at 6 am but at last at 8 am -_- And, worst i should pick Syahilda up at her home. Wahahaha, and found her just take a bath and comb her hair, and she said "Dito said at 7 am, hehe." OH GOSH!!! Without any feeling, she said like that. But, yeh this is me. I can't even angry to her because yes, she is my best friend. (I can't even angry to anyone actually ._.). So, i said "Can you just please get hurry, what time is it? Masha Allah." (with a lil loud intonation). *im gonna make it short*. And we both went to Nando's home. For preparing the camera f...