Hello bloggers! I'm gonna tell you, what's the meaning of #R4BIA? Why all people suddenly using R4BIA avatar on blackberry messenger, twitter, or facebook?
1) Well, on Saturday last week (August 17th 2013), the Ministry of Turkey, Recep Tayip Erdogan condemned about massacres that was done by Egyptian army on Friday and Saturday last week at Ramses Square and Fatih Mosque which surrounded by Egyptian army.
2) in Arabic, Rabi'ah/Arba'ah means 4. Rab'ah (4) has been used to a symbol of firmness, strength, resistance and unity to the whole world who love freedom.
3) 4 finger symbol as a symbol to commemorate protesters Pro Mursi headquarters in Rabi'a has been destroyed by the Egyptian army. 4 symbols for pointing finger icon Rabi'a.
4) The purpose of avatar symbol of #R4BIA used by advocates Egypt/President Morsi on social media such as facebook, twitter, blackberry messenger and etc as a form of solidarity and concern for what happened in Egypt lately. Besides causing consciousness of many people to be more sensitive and care with what happening in Egypt right now.
Actually, not only for Egypt we should care with. But with other countries too. R4BIA is everywhere guys. We are strong enough to support each other. At least, by praying. Especially for Syria, Palestine, Irak, and Egypt. They are need us. You know that, Muslim is like a body. When a part of it hurts, the other will feel it too right? As fellow muslims, as brothers or sisters, I'm gonna invite you to pray for them, pray for the human rights that almost ignored lately. Allah listens us. He always be there, that can't be denied. May ALLAH listens our single prayer that we make, AAMIIN :)
#R4BIA ~ Rightness, Barehanded, Independence, AntiCoup
1) Well, on Saturday last week (August 17th 2013), the Ministry of Turkey, Recep Tayip Erdogan condemned about massacres that was done by Egyptian army on Friday and Saturday last week at Ramses Square and Fatih Mosque which surrounded by Egyptian army.
2) in Arabic, Rabi'ah/Arba'ah means 4. Rab'ah (4) has been used to a symbol of firmness, strength, resistance and unity to the whole world who love freedom.
3) 4 finger symbol as a symbol to commemorate protesters Pro Mursi headquarters in Rabi'a has been destroyed by the Egyptian army. 4 symbols for pointing finger icon Rabi'a.
4) The purpose of avatar symbol of #R4BIA used by advocates Egypt/President Morsi on social media such as facebook, twitter, blackberry messenger and etc as a form of solidarity and concern for what happened in Egypt lately. Besides causing consciousness of many people to be more sensitive and care with what happening in Egypt right now.
Actually, not only for Egypt we should care with. But with other countries too. R4BIA is everywhere guys. We are strong enough to support each other. At least, by praying. Especially for Syria, Palestine, Irak, and Egypt. They are need us. You know that, Muslim is like a body. When a part of it hurts, the other will feel it too right? As fellow muslims, as brothers or sisters, I'm gonna invite you to pray for them, pray for the human rights that almost ignored lately. Allah listens us. He always be there, that can't be denied. May ALLAH listens our single prayer that we make, AAMIIN :)
#R4BIA ~ Rightness, Barehanded, Independence, AntiCoup
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