Assalamu'alaikum. Hello bloggers! How are yaa? I hope you are all good and Allah takes care of you guys. Well, now I'd like to tell you about my great experience of English Olympiad that had been held by SSC. Okay, let's we start ;) Before, on October 20th 2013 had held the preliminary round. From 70 participants, only 20 were taken into the final. In final, the finalists had to make the story telling about "MY HERO". We were given 3 days only to make it and then gave it to the jury. I had chosen my daddy as my hero for my story telling. It was easy to write about my daddy, because i just wrote the truth of him, so it was so natural. We had through 3 days, it was tired day because we had to continue to consult with Mom Sol , our English teacher to revise the results of our story telling writing . We went home late, freak out when we made mistake on our paper of the story telling. But, Alhamdulillah we had done it well. We just prayed and prayed,...
a little piece of me is written here. love, casilda.