As the time goes by.. I know something will go away
As the time goes by.. I know I lost one thing which is so important, before
As the time goes by.. I've learned how to live this hard life
Maybe you think I'm too much
Maybe you judge me because what I write seems so fake
Maybe you see me from my weaknesses
Maybe you know me by seeing my face or attitudes
I don't even care what you've said
I don't even care if you judge on me
I don't even care you blame me
I don't even care if you betray me
Because I know Allah is with the patient
Because I know He will not hurt me
Because I know if He knows me more than anyone does
Because I know He is the only one who understand me so well
And Muhammad taught me everything
And Muhammad taught me to keep the patience
And Muhammad taught me to keep smiling while I am hurting
And Muhammad taught me to keep my Imaan and never give up to face my problem
I totally trust Allah with all my heart
I totally trust Allah whether He knows the best
I totally trust Allah whether He is the best listener
I totally trust Allah for all the destinies He has written for me
We believe that Allah has made us for a reason
We believe the reason is the best for us
We believe Allah gives us problem which we can handle them
We believe in everything that Allah has given and written for us...
The best thing I have is You
The best gift I get is being a Muslim
The best feeling I feel is when I make sujood in salah
The best whisper I do is whisper a prayer in every salah I do
Thank you Allah, You guide me all the way
Thank you Allah, You send me Your light to light up my way to turn to you
Thank you Muhammad, You have inspired me to be a better muslim
Thank you Muhammad, You never stop mention your ummah's name, even tough you already face your death.
Thank youuu :""")))
Casilda Aulia Rakhmadina
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