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9 Most Beautiful Tourist Attractions in INDONESIA!

1. Komodo Island
Pulau Komodo 9 Tempat Wisata Paling Indah di Indonesia
This one is another type from another, face to face with a monster sensation pre historica directly in their habitat certainly gives sensation. Komodo islands are home to only one in the world that still have "komodo dragon" is mandatory in kunjunggi, because in addition to tour dragons, Komodo island also presents an kala beach from other beaches in Indonesia. Komodo Island is located in the strait between the island of Flores in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) and Sumbawa in West Nusa Tenggara (NTB). Sea bottom waters of Komodo is the best in the world, at sea level menyembulnya dry lands are hilly coral.
2. Bintan Island, Riau
1 9 Tempat Wisata Paling Indah di Indonesia
.Bintan Island is located in the province of Riau Islands, the atmosphere on the island is truly enchanting natural beauty of one of them. Gleaming white sand, blue water, and lush pepohonaan is the combination that makes this island so beautiful. In this island there are many resorts available that can be rented for honeymoon, private beach, dive tourism, and culinary tourism can be an alternative when their honeymoon.

3. Senggigi Beach, Lombok
3 9 Tempat Wisata Paling Indah di Indonesia
This beach is located on the west coast of Lombok, the peaceful atmosphere and dazzling underwater scenery nan. The waves are not too big hand and calm course will add to the romance of the honeymoon.

4. Moyo Island, West Nusa Tenggara
4 9 Tempat Wisata Paling Indah di Indonesia

If you want to really feel the world belongs to both of us, there's no harm in choosing Moyo Island in West Nusa Tenggara, as a honeymoon. The terrain is still quiet and genuine, but fear no facilities. There were cottages that provide various facilities. In addition to white sand, coral reefs there are also complete with colorful fish. Not to forget the waterfalls and natural pools.

5. Ubud Village, Bali
 9 Tempat Wisata Paling Indah di Indonesia
The village is famous for its culture and natural beauty. Here, you and your partner will feel the peace of soul and body, with a view of the green mountains and beautiful terraced rice fields. The village is also believed to give a million inspiration.

6. Bunaken, Manado, North Sulawesi
 9 Tempat Wisata Paling Indah di Indonesia
Bunaken Island Marine Park there are exotic. This marine park is one of the sea that has the highest marine biodiversity in the world. The resort location is very strategic to the beautiful natural scenery of Bunaken. There is no harm in it, after having sweet moment with a partner, then the underwater beauty of Bunaken explore by snorkeling?

7. Sampireun Village, Garut, West Java
7 9 Tempat Wisata Paling Indah di Indonesia

Ciparay Sampireun Village is located in the village Sukakarya, Garut, West Java. Sampireun Village offers all the simplicity and convenience features you need for your honeymoon you.If you want to feel the atmosphere of a typical Sundanese village, complete with a bale-bale, cooking Sundanese, Sundanese music, then the Village can be Sampireun honeymoon options. The scenery is beautiful and quiet surroundings, clean air and fresh that makes this resort the perfect place for honeymooners.

8. Belitung Island
8 9 Tempat Wisata Paling Indah di Indonesia
Title Source dominated the beach with panoramic views, crystal clear water and white sand along the coast. The number of bays with calm waters make this place suitable for honeymoon couples who love water sports. Stunning landscapes Title Source, probably can not be found on other islands, it is the privilege of the island, manarik be a place for a romantic honeymoon.

9. Tanjung Lesung, Banten
9 9 Tempat Wisata Paling Indah di Indonesia
Tanjung Lesung located in the west coast of the Straits of Sunda, precisely in the village of Tanjung Jaya, Pandeglang, Banten. The resort can be an alternative to your honeymoon destination with a beloved partner, applied for 3.5 hours from the capital city of Jakarta through the park. The atmosphere here is so alluring with its charming beauty blue sea and white sands that spread widely. Enjoy the beauty of the sea is so beautiful and crystal clear sea water so that the fish can be seen swimming through coral reefs. A variety of water sports activities available here, such as Banana Boat, Jet Ski, to trace the adventures of Krakatoa.


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