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Awesome "National English Olympiad" ~

Assalamu'alaikum. Hello bloggers, long time I didn't post on here. Miss ya :)
Nah! Now, I'd like to share my experience when I followed an Engslih competition in State University of Malang, East Java, Indonesia. Check this out...

Well, on Saturday 12th October 2013 was held 11th National English Olympiad in State University of Malang. Our school sent 12 participants, included me to joined this competition. It was great experience because, this is National competition, and we had to left our school activities and lessons. But, we weren't regret, because the experiences were more interesting!

We had prepared all things, included the materials of the competetion, the stuffs, and etc. And absolutely we had prayed before we went to the university, place where the competetion would be held. 

We went to the place of the competition at 05.30 by my car. My dad picked us up to the university. -+ 1,5 hours left, we arrived! We were optimistic, we had prayed, and we had tried. Before the competition started, the committees of this competition held a techincal meeting. Actually, It wasn't only technical meeting but also they presented a Percussion Performences that was presented by the collegers of English literature. It was great performances. I thought, they presented this performances because the theme of the competition was "World Heritage". Ahh.. If I write all my experience here, It won't take short time, so i just make it shorter.

After all, we were separated into several groups. We had to finish 60 questions for 90 minutes. 3 subjects : a) Reading Comprehansion 20 questions b) *I forgot -_- 20 questions c) Error Analysis 20 questions. Pffhh.... our competitors from popular schools, most of them were chinesse form Christians Senior High Schools and SMA Al-Hikmah Surabaya. WUUHH... BUT we wouldn;t give up as easily as they thought :P. It could be proved, when the announcement had announced. Me, and 4 friends of 12 participants that our school was sent, Alhamdulillah passed the first round :). Even though 7 others weren't pass it. But they had done so well.

Nah, I'm gonna make it shorter again. After that, round 2 was started. I'm so nervous, because Im in the same room with those chinesses -____- *degdegdeg*
Well, we were separated again into 7 groups. And those all were scattered. Okay, we had to finish 40 questions in 60 minutes. AWESOME QUESTIONS~ a) *forgot* Procedure b)Error Analysis. Hmm.. and guess what? The questions were super fantastic! I found so many 'unknown' vocabulary, I never met before -_- but i had done my best.

60 minutes left, and Alhamdulillah fiuuuhh.... All had been passed. While we waited for the announcement of round 2, we got a chance to knew the news about TOEFL/TOEIC. It was our luck, because we could increase our knowledge of them. We were told about how important TOEIC was for our future, especially in the world of works. And how important TOEFL was for education. In addition, we also presented Japanese Traditonal Dance, that was presented by 2 collegers of English literature. Awesomeee... I took the video record of it hihihi :p, and naah i almost forgot it, they were also presented the Choir. Wohoo they voice just awesomeeee..... aaah unforgottable experiences lah :3


the announcement, would be announced soon. They just took the best 4, so this were them And *engingeng*
1) *nanana* from SMA St ....
2)*nanana* from SMAK Santo Yusuf
3)*nanana* from SMAK Santo Yusuf

(After heard 3 of em, all were CHINESSES. WOHAAA....BUT, just see the last :p)

4) Ayu Jean Retno T.P from SMA NEGERI 1 BANGIL. (yeeeee standing applause wahoo)

my friend passed it, she was pass it well. she passed the round 2, and go to final, ROUND 3 on October 27th 2013. Please pray for her O:)


after heard that


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