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Tentang Perempuan dan Pendidikan

"Lagi-lagi perempuan. Entah tiada habisnya kalau membahas tentang puan. Rasanya ada saja sisi dari kami yang memantik untuk dibicarakan. Walaupun, kami sebenarnya tidak tahu kenapa selalu kami yang menjadi topik hangat."

It has been a long time since I am not writing on this blog. It feels like ages. There were tons of events that happened in the past two years that were life-changing for me. One of which is that I am now married to my best friend who spent his time with me for five years before we decided to tie the knot. 

Given the fact that I am now a wife, I moved with my husband to another city where I never had any experience to live and whatsoever before. But, that's the life you cannot predict, doesn't it? Luckily, my job doesn't require me to stay, meaning that I am working from home full-time. 

Well, I am now an SEO writer who only needs my brain, creativity, laptop, and of course, internet connection to work. That's my privilege I should admit since not many can have such a what-so-called, dream job where you can work while doing house chores or taking care of your children.

Talking about the job, you know the fact that I am a master's graduate in Food Tech. and Human Nutrition. And interestingly, my job almost has nothing to do with it. Do I regret it? No. Do I want to have a job that focuses on my field? Yes. However, nothing is wasted as I can learn other things that I never knew existed before I joined the company I am now working for. 

On the other hand, a job that only requires me to work from home makes some relatives and neighbors think that I'm not working. And things that you can expect to emerge from their minds, such as:
What a waste! Udah kuliah S2 jauh-jauh ke Polandia, pulang-pulang nggak kerja tapi jadi ibu rumah tangga. Buat apa kalau gitu kuliahnya?

That statement came from my cousin. Yes, my cousin. While my parents and even my best friends never EVER asked me or give such a statement, this one said that in front of me. I was shocked but I acknowledged that, in my country, higher education for women is underestimated, unfortunately.

The basic knowledge of pursuing higher education is merely to acquire a degree and eventually get a high-paid job in the industry. Only a few may realize that sometimes, they don't just pursue titles, but knowledge, experience, and values that they won't get anywhere else other than by continuing their education. Some others also decide to continue their Masters's or Doctoral studies because they love their knowledge.

Then, is it wrong if they don't work in that field and instead become a housewife which is a lifetime job at home to take care of their family? NO. That's a shame that our society often gives a negative stigma to women who choose to devote their lives at home to their families, especially if they are women with higher education (e.g., having Master's or Doctoral degrees).

The views given always deplore the knowledge and time that has been spent on pursuing higher education. And again, such a point of view is always guided by money and career. As if, the main purpose of seeking knowledge is to make money. In fact, not all of them are like that.

Being a mother who has a higher education is a source of pride for her children. They can absorb the rich knowledge and experience that they get during their education and teach it to their offspring. Nothing is wasted from it all.

Educated mothers can also pass on talents, abilities, and good qualities to their children. Not to mention that most people with higher education (although not all of them) are expected to have a mature mindset and good ethics, which will be taught to their children later.

Then, where is the point that echoes as if being a housewife is the saddest thing? They invest time and energy into caring for the family, raising children with love, and ironically still being insulted. That's how our society views educated women.

But again, it doesn't mean those who choose a career are bad. I believe they have considered carefully becoming a career woman and that's fine. The problem is when there are some people who feel they have a better choice and discredit other people's choices, thinking it is a futile decision.


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Seputar Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan (Food Science and Technology)

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