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IELTS' Valuable Sources

Halo, assalamu'alaikum! I hope you are not bored to meet me again (hehe). As I promised before, I would like to share several terribly useful sources in regards to learning IELTS. Foremost, I want to forever thank you to my lovely teachers at course for showering me with knowledge and patiently teaching me about IELTS, also my best friends and friends who constantly gave me innumerable information related to IELTS.

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Picture Source:

IELTS LIZ is a website owned and handled by an IELTS Expert named Elizabeth (that's why the title of the website is IELTS Liz), thus you should not concern about the validity of the materials given. She put her IELTS' subjects through videos on her website and linked those to YouTube in order to ease the visitors in studying IELTS. She either share her knowledge through some sample answers, especially in the writing section so that the readers can know the main points of writing properly in IELTS. The most special feature is IELTS Liz provides an area in which the visitors possibly share their IELTS exam experiences with others, named recent exam questions. In this part, you can scroll down a lot of comments which contain IELTS exam's questions from all around the world which posted by the readers. I got abundant advantages by writing those comments to Microsoft Word in order to ease me in preparing IELTS test.

Similar to IELTS Liz, this website is incredibly useful for those who are now preparing to take an IELTS test or merely curious about it. The owner of this website is Ray. He also has an English school in Japan, named London Language Lounge. For me, I incredibly am helped by the courses given on this site. Particularly, I could improve my writing skill because the way he explained the materials is very detail and clear. He also gives us some examples of answering writing task 1 or task 2 with a grammatical analysis in order to assure us that what we have done is correct. Moreover, He gives us a lot of alternatives to paraphrase words. For instance, instead of saying VERY, he suggests to say incredibly, highly, immensely, and so on.

For this one, I immensely recommend you to download them all to practice four sections of IELTS. I already have downloaded and those help me practice my English. If I am not mistaken, you can download it for free on the internet from series 1 to 12.

Another precious source is, of course, a dictionary! I found out this one since my friend recommended it when we were taking an IELTS course. So, when you have downloaded this on Android's, you can set this one into "IELTS language" in the dictionary's setting menu to meet your needs in IELTS' vocabulary. U-Dictionary will be extremely useful because when you are doing the four of IELTS test's parts, you are going to experience a whole new world of vocabularies. Furthermore, it also provides the usage of the words in sentences so you will be able to analyze how to use it in a proper way. Thence, you will, absolutely, need this kind of English dictionary. Especially, this is so reliable since you only need to download and bring it everywhere with you.

5. E2 IELTS (YouTube Channel)
Moreover, I also use YouTube channel to improve my understanding of English. E2 IELTS is owned by Jay, a native speaker and successfully got 9 band score for his IELTS (if I'm not mistaken). This channel was recommended by one of my friends because she frequently watches the videos on this channel and finds it beneficial to boost her ability in IELTS. From my own perspective, it helps me to enrich my knowledge of IELTS, particularly in speaking. The way he explains about tips and trick in doing speaking section is absolutely mesmerized. He could make it seems like way more easier.  I highly suggest you to open his channel and listen to his explanation about IELTS in a specific way.

6.  OFFICIAL IELTS TESTS (YouTube Channel)
In terms of improving your listening in IELTS, I have a recommendation to open OFFICIAL IELTS TESTS youtube channel and starting to try numerous listening section practices on this channel. I do not know exactly who owned this, but she/he updates a new practice of listening/reading/speaking part every day! Thus, you will be able to improve continually on those parts. But you must note this, even though this channel named "official", but I do not think it is owned by the real official IELTS test organizer or something. It does not matter as long as it can help you to reach your goal in IELTS, right? Hehe.

Well, here you are!
Thank you for visiting my blog. I hope this information will be advantageous for you and I wish for every best result for your IELTS test or learning. I'm still learning too and will always be. Remember, nothing is easy for those worth having goals. You need to put your best efforts to catch them. Good luck!


Casilda Aulia Rakhmadina


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