Maybe this afternoon was my worse moment. But, I still keep thanking to Allah for all that He has decided to my life. I always believe, Allah has planed something better for me. Something that I don't know, but He does. Something that maybe I hate it, but that's good for me, and something which I had chosen, first I thought it was good for me, but that was not. Allah knows, and I don't.
My friend asked me : How come you look like not burdened at all?
I simply answered : Because I have prayed to Allah, and ask Him to gimme what's the best for me. And He did. He made me not to pass this qualification. So I concluded that this wasn't the best for me.
When what you want or what you have expected is not equal with what Allah has planed for you, keep positive thinking. Don't you ever blame Allah for everything has happened. He has better plan for you. Keep husnudzan in Allah. Do your best, as best as you can. Keep struggling, fighting, smiling, and praying. KEEP SPIRIT! :) ALLAH IS TESTING YOUR FAITH AND IMAAN IN HIM.
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