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Hate Speech: Who has to be Blamed?

Halo! It has been long time since I wrote my last post here. I tried to explore my mind and idea to write something here, but I didn’t make it. But, today I am in my mood and I have found the most common and interesting topic lately, about hate speech. Information, I also posted this just now on my Medium, so if you see double post, means it does not matter.

It has been issued that hate speech already spread to every aspects of the life. Some people say, globalization may be the reason why the thing becomes uncontrolled. Social media is one of the mediums where bullies are mostly found. It is playing an important role to the phenomenon which is happening lately. Insulting others by using inappropriate words become such common behavior. Unfortunately, this attitude feels like being ignored and is considered innocent. This condition can no longer be agreed, seeing all negative things which might be affected by hatred. 

First of all, hate speech is kind of negative expression when you do not along to something like opinions, thoughts, or someone’s works and starting to spark negativity in order to attack them. Recently, people spit their opinions brutally and cruelly so the ones who read it, absolutely, feeling desperate, useless, and unappreciated. Mostly, the harmful words can be found on any platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. This case makes an assumption that we have lost our humanity. Victims who are exposed by animosity will become insecure and feeling bad of themselves at the same time. It will work on their mental health, for instance depression and degrading self confidence. 

In the other hand, there are opposite opinions according to who has to be blamed for this issue? Some say, the victims are playing a drama as if they are the one to be pitied. Whereas, they get the negative feedback because of their foolish. Another say that the bullies just want to do the same as others did to them in the past. In my point of view, despite of all things which seem make sense given, hate speech cannot be justified. Instead of standing for the hate speech done, we have to look for the prevention effort to make this problem solved, or at least, can be decreased. 

Suggestions which I could offer: 1. Parents are playing an important role in this occasion. By giving attitude and manner value to the children, I think it could help to reduce the numbers of this case. 2. Schools are considered as a “second education” to the students besides in home. Paying attention to any suspicious activities relate to hate speech is a MUST. Teachers should not give actual punishment, instead they can give the bully a counseling guidance to make sure they learn a lesson and to know why they become a bully. (case, if the bully are still at school).

As the result, hate speech is a thing which can be prevented. Some do not know if what they do is included as negative speech. They just do based on what they have seen in society. That’s why, role of parents become much important in this issue. Whatever the excuses is, spreading hate speech can not be justified as common thing. If we do care about mental health of the victims, we have to keep effort to make the numbers of hate speech fall.

Written by: Casilda Aulia Rakhmadina


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