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Hello, I'm back again. After maybe 5 days off, I'm so busy of some crazy exams wkss :p *overacting*
okay now, I just want to share my own article to you. Actually this is common but, I don't have any topics again so yeaah, I'm trying to make it interseting now! CHECK IT OUT!

Well, today. Unintentianally, Me and 3 others were talk about something funny first at canteen in my school. Yep, as teenagers we talked about news, love, friendship, even our teachers wkkss *ups* (BEST SECRETS EVER HAHAHA #JOKING). And guess what? The most interesting thing between that topic is? GOSSIPS! Nah haha, girls can't be separated of it. Thats fact! We talked about some news on internet, tv and etc. But getting here, the topics were spread anywhere, until we touched on "womans" topic.

First, we talked about one of my friends. I can't mention the name here because thats privacy. Jut make she is from other school or class. Actually my friend is good friend, hospitable, smiling and etc. BUT, she likes laugh over loud. We know that everbody has shortcomings. THATS ABSOLUTELLY! But, that thing make she unapreciated by the boys. Although she wears hijab, but thats not the matter. The matter is the way she behaves. Girls/womans are created with gentle attitude. With it, girls/womans will be apreciated by others. We compared her with other girl in other class. We have a friend, she's so gentle, good, aaah she is perfect, really! Her islamic is good, better than others. Her aqidah and attitude, the way she speaks to others is so much make me adore her. Even, the boys feel ashamed if they want to talk to her because she is so polite and never speak bad. Really she is! Thats the different! NAH! Actually ISLAM has protect womans, so much protect. Al-Quran and Hadist are already explain about how to behaves, how to keep our attitudes, how ISLAM protects the womans by wear hijab. Let me tell you the Hadist that explain about this all, i got it from CHECK IT OUT!


  •   The story of a woman who would go perform Salaah, She does not have a veil/hijab, then ruled by the Prophet shallallahu'alaihi wa sallam:

    "Let sister loaned her hijab." (Narrated by Bukhari No.. 318).
  •  Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam said:
    "Let them (women) anchoring fabric to cover their bosoms crippled." (Qur'an Surat an-Nur: 31)
  •  Prophet shallallahu'alaihi wa sallam said:

    "O daughter Fatimah! As for the women who will be hung her hair to boil their brains in the hell is it in the world do not want to cover her hair than seen men who are not mahram." (Narrated by Bukhari & Muslim)
  • From Abu Hurairah radhiallahu anhu he said: Messenger of Allah sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam said:
    لا تكثروا الضحك فإن كثرة الضحك تميت القلب
    "Do not you laugh a lot, because a lot of laughs will turn off the heart." (Narrated by At-Tirmidhi no. 2227, Ibn Majah no. 4183, and declared authentic by Al-Albani within Sahih al-Jami 'no. 7435)
  •  Aisyah wife of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam, that he said:
    ما رأيت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم مستجمعا ضاحكا حتى أرى منه لهواته إنما كان يتبسم
    "I never saw the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam laughed out loud until he looked throat, he usually just smile." (Narrated by Al-Bukhari no. 6092 and Muslim no. 1497)
 It is therefore not we find one of the most laugh unless he/she is the most distant from Al-Qur `an
 As for the occasional laugh or when circumstances require him to laugh, then this is legal. Only, not including the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wasallam guidance if it is a laugh out loud to. Therefore guffaw is a hated thing, although not until within the law haram, wallahu a'lam.


  •  Prophet sallallaahu 'alahi wa sallam:
    إن الرفق لا يكون في شيء إلا زانه, ولا ينزع من شيء إلا شانه
    "Surely there is not gentle on anything except going to decorate it, and not revoked (missing) on anything except going to make it ugly." (Narrated by Muslim no. 2594)
Wallahu'alam bissawab. I just share it for increase our knowledges. I also still have so many shortcomings, with so many sins.  But I am trying to be better and better. And I remember one thing for "Convey goodness even though only one ayah".

Thanks, wish we can be better and better person. Aamiin In Shaa Allah :)


  1. Agreed, Din!!!

    Me as a smanba student, choose Waritsah Assilmi as the example. She is adorably sweet, behavig as a real women. To be honest she is my inspirator.

    Lets work hard to be a real muslimah ^^~ Nice post!

  2. Yep, I am totaly along with youuu <3
    In Shaa ALLAH and yes we must be better and better to be A REAL MUSLIMAH according to Syar'i :)


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