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It won't happen for twice guys! Make it memorable :)

Now, i am staying in 11 grade Senior High School. Place where people says this is when the most memorable things will happens. Sounds so great, and interesting right? Yes i think so. I tasting it now. Moments when i taste love, and friendship. Real i mean. Not appreance. I don't want to let anymoment just gone. Never~ It just happen for once. Time can't be repeated. I know, when i am graduate from senior high school, i will mis this moment. So make it memorable as well as i can.

LOVE, this part so sensitive. Good but sometimes annoying me.
I taste love in senior high school, complicated? ABSOLUTELLY! How can't it be? Had long relationship, moreless 2 years 3 months with a boy, my senior. Sounds so great before right? But, it wasn't like what you think. Its so complicated, many problems, make me so bored with him at all. His ideas wasn't same with me. And, i made mistake, terrible. I never did it to others before. Actually, it wasn't really cruel because he ever did the same to me before, but he didn't want to told me the truth. I broke up with him when we had a year and 3 months. I followed wrong group in my school then i decided too suddenly. We broke 6 months moreless. Then during that time, someone told me that He liked other girl then I asked him, he didn't wanna to say yes, but he denied it. First, i thought okay maybe he wasn't do that but, time just go on and now, yeah right now i know he is liar. I was so surprised. So, I'm not regret to broke him up. December, 29th 2012 i got a new bf, long distance relationship. With pakistani boy, and it was my big mistake to had relationship with him. Damn boy. More than 2 months i had. He was liar, really he was. He made many promised and broke them all. And, at last after 2 months left. He liked my friend, and we broke up at night and at that time he also have relationship with my friend. RIDDICOLOUS RIGHT? But, i never hate both. Never~ Even they hurt me, its okay. My GOD knows the truth and ME :) yeah, this is my complicated love. Now, i am so much better being single. With all my friends. Better for me.

FRIENDSHIP, this part is loving, memorable, and touching. I found them here, yes. They are make me so better and happier. I am so thankful having them now. I love them. Each of them have different character, but they can mix it into one. We aren't group, we don't it. We just 6 persons who share togheter, laugh, smile, and sad all together. Share about boy friend, friends, and families. Laugh for something funny, or teacher maybe? Hahaha. Don't take it seriously. Smile for something beautiful or IDOLS, justin bieber, selena gomez, K-POP, bambang pamungkas, Indian actress and singer, and etc. Screaming when our idols win some awards. Proud of them? YES! haha. Sad, when one of us maybe have problems, like broke up, or problem because miss understanding. Yes, like that. I love this moment, and i dunno. When we are apart because we growing up. Each of us will move into different university, or class. Its gonna be so sick, but happy. I wish, our dreams will come true. AAMIIN.

Actually, i still have one best friend, but i can't tell the name.  He is good best friend. Because when i need someone most, he always be there for me, for just listen to my problems and sharing. But. unfortunatelly my friends catch it on wrong opinion. Really i just friends, no more. Really i am. He is good person, but sometimes he annoying me. Really! With all his jokes. But his careness to others make me impress. Also, when he wake up. He proves it. All his result for chemistry, math, biology, english, and physics were so good. I am so envy, and i promise i will follow him, run after him. I promise.



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